Friday, September 3, 2010

Julia and her stories

We were at the park this summer and I heard after the fact, from Kale's mom that Kale was going to kiss Julia on the hand and she said no right here and pointed to her lips. I then went to her and said, "Julia you are not allowed to kiss boys" and she replied "But Kale loves me and we are going to get married!" I said "Okay, but you can't kiss him until you get married."

Kurt and I went away for a few days to Las Vegas. When I got home, Julia said "Mom, I missed you, we need to stick together!"

In about a week and a half JuliaCate will start preschool at Christ Lutheran where we are currently going to church, she is so excited! She is doing leaps and bounds with her reading and can read the first few BOB books and does know how to sound out words now!

She is a joy and so fun to hang out with. Her one frusterating quality is wetting her pants, she absolutely cannot be bothered to stop what she is doing to go potty and it frusterates me!!!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Kids these days....

Julia. She is a spit-fire. She is a mixture of her brother and sister. She is always aware of conversations and things going on around her, she is always curious. She can be extremely stubborn and "loves" to fight with her older brother and apparently he with her. She is 3 and feels the world revolves around her. She tries out the not sharing, the taking things because she wants it. She is incredibly witty and loveable and loves her brother and sister more than anything, usually wanting them home when they are at school. She started about 3 and knew most of her uppercase letters, I was blown away. I had not gone over any letters with her. At 3 1/2 she would spell out things, signs especially. She also knew her lowercase letters and then started loving the word factory movies and quickly learned the sounds that every letter makes. I remember her asking me as I was reading to her one time, are you reading by looking at the pictures? She can spell several words and can read a simple book, but doesn't get sounding out words, well that is okay, she is still only 3. She loves books more than I remember the other kids loving them at this time. She is moving out of the cute sayings, but still says a few things, her pre-school teacher was Roseamie, instead of Rose Marie. She used to say snow wipe for snow white. She still does call Spaghetti skabetty. She recently has been making up songs for all her friends. She is on her fourth session of ice day she said, put skates on me I want to go out there, so I did and she loves it. Grace landed her Axel and she calls it Axskull. That is all I can think of right now, but will add more soon.